Pembrokeshire Show – a first for Country Girl Media

I’m always slightly apprehensive going to a new show for the first time, getting there on time, finding where I need to be, wondering what the rings will be like for photographing, even before you look up in the sky and wonder if you should pack the all weather gear or sunscreen.

All those thoughts certainly entered my head when I ventured in to Pembrokeshire for the Pembrokeshire County Show on a commission for the Welsh Simmental Club to cover their National Show, but I’m pleased to say it was an enjoyable day and the Club couldn’t have put me at ease better. It was also nice to capture a few friendly faces round the beef rings.

Here’s the gallery featuring the Simmies, as well as a few from the commercial, Angus and Beef Shorthorn classes. Images can be purchased either in instant download digital format or print versions, happy viewing!


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